Monday, July 21, 2008

Whose Blog Is This? - Conundrum

I wrote about blogging anonymity in 2006. Since I am wondering about it again, I shall naturally write about it again. Since my entrance into the Sri Lankan Blogosphere aggregated by Kottu, I've read a large number of posts by fellow Sri Lankans. Most I'm sure living and working in Colombo. Now as Colombo is so small, I begin to wonder do I know any of these people behind these posts?

I personally am at a dilemma. Do I write about everything I feel like writing about? Am I ok with someone I know stumbling onto my blog and realising Hey this sounds a lot like what [insert name] was saying the other day. Oh wait, a lot of this sounds like [insert name]. Why It must be them!!!

Do you, the reader, if you are a blogger tell people about your blog? Or use it as an anonymous venting hole?


realskullzero said...

hheh..whow real dilemma alrite..well actually sme many of our close friends know about our blog...and actually blogger anonymity is sometimes(if not all the time) should actually be there...

TheWhacksteR said...

wel, iv thought about it too. guess being annonymous opens you up a bit. and gives you some guts to be yourself. but that shouldnt be the case. my ultimate goal is to be myself all throghout. which is a lot harder than it sounds!

Acromantula said...

I think if u hv some thing to say you shouldn't hide behind a curtain...

let every1 know what u think and be damned with da rest..

Rine said...

Thanks for the comments :)!

Yeah I do agree with the be honest all throughout theme. The only problem is how to not make your blog a feeder for gossip. Say you feel like ranting about someone, then someone who knows its your blog comes along and figures out who you're ranting about.. etc etc...

I shall keep on pondering :D

Thanks guys!